Acute kidney injury, sometimes also called Acute kidney failure, is when the kidney suddenly stops working within a short time interval.
CAPD(Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis) is an advanced procedure to clean the blood in case of renal failure.
Chronic Kidney Disease, or CKD or Chronic Kidney Failure, is the gradual process of kidney failure and loss of renal function over time.
Diabetic nephropathy is a complication of diabetes type 1 and type 2 that affects the kidney.
End-stage renal disease is also called end-stage kidney disease or kidney failure. It occurs when chronic kidney disease gradually advances
Hypertension can cause severe kidney disease, called hypertensive kidney disease. High blood pressure constricts
SS Kidney and urology hospital is one-stop destination for Hemodialysis, CRRT and SLEDD.
Kidney biopsy is a diagnostic procedure in which kidney tissue is observed under the microscope to diagnose kidney disorder.
Paediatric nephrology deals with kidney disorders in children. The common paediatric urological diseases are inherited kidney diseases
SS kidney and urology hospital is known for seamless post operative care and guidance.